Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Ch. 3: the five documents

3.1 - The Fetishist Animism of Bahian Negroes by Raimundo Nina Rodrigues
Rodrigues, a mestizo himself, mentions how he had studied race and religion in Brazil with the "utmost neutrality and impartiality". However, at the same time, he quotes E.B Tylor who, referring to the slaves living in Bahia, says "It is not always easy to elicit from savages information on their theology". Describing someone else as a savage is an indication of one's lack of neutrality and impartiality. He is quite hypocritical in this aspect, especially as he mentions that mestizos follow similar religious traditions (including himself most likely - not impartial at all).
3.2 - Partido Indepiendente de Color
This document clearly expresses a more equality-based approach to the organization of society in Latin America, in this case Cuba. A few points seem even more "advanced" than some of today's laws of different countries (free elementary, vocational and university education?!)
3.3 - Manifiesto,“Santa Rita de Casia,” y “San Lázaro”, Sociedad de Protección Mutua, Canto y Baile
The line "As death is Nature’s justice, thus all we are is dust, smoke, and ashes here on this earth" shows the humility that was very prevalent in Catholicism. The document emphasizes the way a Catholic should live (living a healthy and working life, taking care of each other without expecting rewards).
3.4 - "Brushstrokes” by Maria Eugenia Echenique, and 3.5 “Women: Dedicated to Miss Maria Eugenia Echenique” by Judith (Josefina Pelliza de Sagast)
These two documents speak to the gradual but very present change in women's status in Latin America occurring. Echneique insists on changing the restrained lives of women and encouraging the independence of women. De Sagast, on the other hand, defends the status quo of women, bound to their husbands, following the path that God has given them.


  1. I agree with your first comment on Rodrigues' text on being neutral and impartial. I don't even think complete neutrality can be reached since everyone has is biased and become subjective (as opposed to objective) when expressing their thoughts about an idea.

  2. I like your comment that document 3.2 is "advanced" even by today's criteria. Actually, to be frank, I would say that some appeals made in the document are simply idealistic, naive, or even unreasonable. For example free education, as you mentioned, will not be realized in at least several hundred of years! Also, "in employment in all public enterprises, in Cuba and abroad, Cubans will be given preference to foreigners". Why??? How could you possibly make Cubans superior when they are abroad? I think we need to judge this document critically.
